Friday, January 4, 2008

Warning: Excessive Power Point Slides Can Cause Drowsiness

It has been dubbed, “death by Power Point”. The drip, drip, drip of too many PowerPoint slides can sink your event in a hurry. Your future events may be casualties as well. No one ever forgets a painful presentation, so your clients and prospects will think twice about showing up to your future events.So how do you avoid the pitfalls of a painful PowerPoint? Limit the number of slides, and make sure each slide is effective. Bracket your presentation with an introduction slide that includes an agenda (so your audience knows what to expect) and a closing slide that acts as a commercial for your company. No one slide should last longer than five minutes, or your audience will mentally beg to move on.How do you fill the void between the first and the final slide? First, make sure the right person is presenting. Your presenter should be knowledgeable, comfortable, engaging and entertaining. If the presenter is likable, the audience will transfer their fondness for the presenter onto your company.

Find a story teller who is well versed on your product and familiar with your industry.
Have the speaker break up the presentation by going to a white board. People pay more attention to a human drawing a diagram, than to a diagram shown via PowerPoint.Make sure your presenter involves the audience. This takes practice to manage. You want the audience to feel involved, but too much involvement can cause the presentation to seem interminable. Encourage questions, but if someone from the audience starts giving their own lecture, your presenter should offer to talk with them after the presentation. Your audience came to hear from your company, after all. A good presenter will strike a balance, presenting the material while letting the right amount of peer-to-peer interaction happen in the audience

For presentations focused around a concrete product, incorporate product samples into the presentation. But don’t bore the guests with the nitpicky details of a product demonstration. Use broad brush strokes to get the point across—don’t get bogged down in details. The worst demonstrations happen when the presenter gets confused by the product. Make sure the presenter has had enough practice to head off this kind of catastrophe.

If you can manage the logistics, try to have two projection systems, one for the PowerPoint and another for the product samples. This is a great way to drive home your point. Product samples or demos should be available to the guests on their way out. Make sure they are visible and accessible along the path of the exit foot traffic.Another great way to break up the presentation and show the value of your product is to have a customer give a success story. This is a great way to make believers of your prospects. Video testimonials are perfect presentation solutions, or invite a customer to speak. Make sure to review the customer’s story ahead of time, and keep the story brief—you don’t want to lose control of the presentation. Bottom line: If you’re spending budget and staff time on a sales presentation, make sure it’s a good one that leaves your customers wanting more

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