Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Go Ahead, Raise Your Hand

Yep, get it up there, because you too are probably guilty of going to a conference and leaving literature that you received from vendors on the expo floor in your hotel room.

It is a shame, a crying shame and we all know the drill. You go to the expo floor with the bag that you get when you check in to the conference. You gather brochures (approximately .15 each to print), and gather promotional items (70% of which end up in the dump) and you take them back to your room. The bag sits there, full until it is crunch time, time to pack your bags and run out the door for you flight. Inevitably, at the last minute, you end up rummaging through the bag grabbing the cool goodies for the kids and everything else stays on the bed, in your hotel room. By the time 3:00 PM rolls around, your bag is on its way home with a hotel employee (not a bad program) but all of that literature is heading for trash dump!

So, is there a solution? Yes, but it starts with the expo vendors. So if you are a vendor, here are a couple of thoughts and solutions. First of all, consider this. Handing a brochure to a person that is visiting your booth is like handing them a license to leave. The mind set is simply this “oh sure, I will review and give you a call” and they rarely do. Chances are, that brochure ends up on the bed, in the bag that goes home with the hotel employee. Always have the people working your booth end with, we don’t have literature, as we know people don’t like to travel with access baggage so can I forward you some information about our product, or give you a call next week and I can review it personally with you”. How about that, a post event touch point!

Next, if you feel compelled to give out information about your products and services, hand out a small credit card piece of collateral that is branded with your company, or product logo. People will more than likely put it in their wallet, but at least you spend a better chance of it leaving the hotel! Include an incentive like a contest (think “register to win”) or give a donation to your non-profit organization du jour if they activate the card. Be sure that during the activation process you are asking pertinent questions such as buying patterns, if they would like someone to contact them, or even if they are using your competitor’s solutions. The card should direct them to a landing page that is all about your solutions and products. Be sure to include any special messaging you may have had for the conference.

Bottom line, it isn’t all about saving the trees, but it sure helps. It is all about post event touch points and another opportunity for your organization to get in touch with potential clients.

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